Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th

I dunno how much time I will be able to get with NCAA today. I'm dying to get back into it. There's a lot of stuff to mess with and I want to see the new recruiting goodies. I'm going to go back into AA lvl now that I think Heisman is playable. It's time to see if this INT thing from last night was a fluke. I also want to experiment a bit with different teams.

But it IS the 4th of July and for us that means...continuing to clean out the basement that flooded last week. It's dry now and we're moving things back down today -- from Ashley's Emporium of Toys to some furniture.

In the long run, it's not a disaster that this happened. We needed to clean the basement out and rearrange things ...I guess this just prompted us to do it sooner than later. We also needed a backup Sump Pump -- mission friggin accomplished!

Worst case scenario is that I get back into NCAA tonight after the fireworks. We go to New Albany every year to watch their display (damn good show) but when we get back I'm playing NCAA come hell or--OK I don't want to deal with anymore high water but you get what I mean.

I will also be gone most of the day Saturday as we're driving down to my parents house for the afternoon. But I'll post some thoughts on the game tonight for sure. I've just scratched the surface of the game, after all.