What happens when it snows more in Columbus than it has since 1910? Well, if you live in Johnstown, and it starts to melt, the clay soil doesn't suck the water up and you end up with floods...everywhere.
It's lovely.
So StarCraft 2 stuff is out in Netland today. I'm kinda "meh" on StarCraft. See, I'm a Games Workshop guy and Blizzard pretty much took the 40K model, sorta stole it, and renamed everything. That irks me. Did then. Does now. The Zerg, well, those are the Tyranids. The marines? Yep, Space Marines of 40K. The Protoss...ok the Protoss are sorta weird and I dunno what 40K race they'd be.
I'm getting my sci-fi RTS kicks with Soulstorm right now which is a drastically overpriced expansion to Dawn of War. Go THQ! Milk it, baby! Milk it! 2 races, some flier units and pretty much the same campaign? And still no Tyranids!? For $40?
Other than that, not much going on, other than the fact that I'm finally going to buy a PS3. At least it's a tax write off.