Thursday, February 7, 2008

Holy Lord That is Awful

My Wednesday:

Got my car stuck in the clay soil mud and then one of our dogs gets drilled by a skunk. If you have never been really up close and personal with a skunk's "power" let me describe it to you.

Imagine the worst smell you have ever smelled. Then triple it, then imagine trying to CLEAN it but it won't go away. It lingers.

It's ungodly.

Before I could stop her, my wife tried the old wive's tale of dousing the dog in tomato juice. That made him smell like rotten spaghetti sauce.

So we then used SCIENCE!

The skunk spray is an oil base -- so it oozes onto everything it touches (rugs, beds, etc.) and if you allow it to dry on the coat it can stay with the dog for years (literally). Turns out, if you take Hydrogen Peroxide, baking soda, and dish soap and bathe the dog in it, it removes the oil and thus the smell -- not just masking the odor.

Of course by the time we did this the house had a, shall we say, ridiculously bad smell to it, so today I am going onto lockdown clean mode in an attempt to get the smell under control.

In this ordeal I had to throw away my snow gloves, my wool hoodie, and my OSU jacket. (I have another, but still..) Some things were just too pungent to save.

Skunks have the best defense mechanism -- ever.