Hey. I've got an idea! How about delivering a damn package when you say you will? It seems when UPS left a delivery notice on Monday indicating a Tuesday 2nd attempt between "2:00 and 5:00" they were just kidding. Silly me. I thought getting home by noon would give me plenty of wriggle room, but nooooooooooo. Mr. Punctual makes the attempt at around 11:30, before I got home.
So, I call UPS with the usual "what the hell?" banter (knowing it won't do any good) and, of course, have to wait "one hour" for the return call as to when I can pick it up at their facility. (A building conveniently located ten minutes from my office... the one I had just left 30 minutes ago in the wrong direction so I could get the package at home. Yeah timing!) Two hours later they called to tell me I could pick up the package... wait for it, after 7:30 pm. Yeah, that was what I wanted to hear, given that even if I wanted to hang around my office cube for an extra couple hours I couldn't because I needed to pick up my kids from daycare by 6:00 (again, going in totally the wrong direction).
What can I say? It was that kind of day.
And just to be fair, I do understand it's the holiday season, which has to be a hellish time to work for UPS. The whole delivery time thing wouldn't be a big deal if the guy hadn't checked the box stating a 3-hour range of times he'd be here. I mean if you know your schedule is going to be chaotic, just don't check a box at all is all I'm saying.
Anyway, I'm taking no chances today and working the full day from home. (Thank goodness my job is flexible.) There's snow here in Indy, so my guess is the guy probably will be here much later in the day, which is probably a good thing, since I've got about 150 pages of Upgrading and Repairing Windows 2nd Edition to work on. F. U. N. Fun!