Tuesday, March 23, 2010

New Jumping the Shark and Some Metro

Our latest podcast is live -- and the topic is Co-Op gaming. Another fun show and Danielle is back from her 1-show hiatus.

In addition, I have been slogging through Metro 2033 -- a game I am having a difficult time putting my finger on. It's engrossing, ridiculously cheap in its design to kill you, at times genuinely frightening, and at times mind numbingly silly.

I truly do not know what to make of it.

One moment I'm jumping in my seat from being startled and the next I'm cussing at the fact that the bad guys can somehow see me when I'm hiding behind a stone wall and then take literally 4 head shots before they fall. I know these aren't military rounds of ammo but damn man you'd think a rock fired from a shotgun would pretty much do the trick, no?