10. Parijat - Buddha Garden
This is pure instrumental acoustic guitar. I work to this CD a lot because it relaxes me while I edit people's work.
9. Johnny Cash - The Sun Recordings
I'm not a country music fan by any stretch, especially the pop/country schlock that permeates the air waves today. But this -- this is gold. This is more rock-a-billy than "country" but whatever you want to label it as, it's hardcore early roots rock and roll. I just labeled it.
8. Sleater-Kinney - One Beat
This all girl band broke up recently, but this was my favorite download from them (The Woods is great too, though). The lead singer's voice is an acquired taste but this is pure rock and roll with a splash of punk. They sound pissed.
7. Spoon - Gimme Fiction
I was turned onto Spoon this year (thanks Steve) and I like Fiction a lot -- not as much as Kill the Moonlight but more than Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga. I might be the only Spoon fan who thinks so.
6. Emma Pollock - Watch the Fireworks
I really like Emma's voice. This is a great album, but the songs Acid Test, Adrenaline, Limbs, and The Optimist make it special.
5. The Essex Green - Cannibal Sea
I read a review of Essex that said if the Mamas and the Pappas were recording today, they'd be The Essex Green.
4. Spoon - Kill the Moonlight
From top to bottom this is fantastic. Again,. I still haven't totally gotten into Ga Ga, but I can listen to this all day.
3. The Black Keys - Rubber Factory
Ohio boys -- two dudes from Akron, actually, make a rockin garage blues album. There is a new one that I still need to get but Rubber Factory is a great download if you dig this kind of music.
2. Holly Golightly - Truly She is None Other
I first heard of Holly when she sang with Jack White on the final song on the classic Elephant CD. So on a whim I searched for some of her stuff and sure enough, her solo work is brilliant. There isn't a bad song on this 50's/folksy/rock album. She tends to sound kinda pissed too, though.
1. The White Stripes - Icky Thump
Still the best working band on the face of the planet.